Sunday, December 27, 2015


       The winter was 1962-1963. I had graduated from Laurel High School and was headed to Marshalltown Junior College. Rick Patterson, Tracy Miiller, both high school class-mates, first moved in together in a second floor duplex on the northwest corner of Ninth Street and State Street. Then, Tracy and I eventually moved into a little cheaper apartment, also a duplex on Fifth Avenue south of the Post Office today and close to the railroad tracks. 

        The heat was controlled by the tenants downstairs and we usually had to open windows because it became too hot. The irony was that the temperature at that time hit "below freezing" at least briefly every day for at least 11-13 days in a row. I think this is still some type of record. 

      To keep my car from freezing up by sitting out every night, I would park it over the sewer outlets along the street and let the warm air coming up keep my engine warm. Stuff like that was why I was attending college!!!

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