Tuesday, February 16, 2016


      Over my lunch hour this past Monday, I grabbed a copy of the Iowa City Press- Citizen just to have something to read while eating. On the front page was an article entitled "THE MAGIC OF 3-D METAL PRINTING."

     The article was about a large 3-D printer in the basement of an  Iowa State Engineering building. This "gargantuan" printer  was striking a thin layer of metal dust on a metal plate at preciously the right spots. It was slowly making a pair of scissors. 

      3-D printers have been around for a while making mostly plastic stuff. I love reading about inventions or innovations that you know are going to bring about major changes in the world. Just like drones on the horizon commercially. It seems tight now we are witnessing so many advances in technology that something new is coming about every time you turn around. 

       I am lucky and fortunate to have lived through all the advances that we have witnessed in the last few decades, especially with the beginning of the computer. which by the way had its beginnings at ISU.  There are people who say they don't want to live to be 90 or older, but, as long as I have fairly good health and can comprehend whats going on around me, I can't wait to see whats coming next! As Paul Harvey used to say: "Stay Tuned!" 

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