Tuesday, February 9, 2016


    Years ago it was one of my grand-daughters birthday and it was decided by both sides of the family to hold a party for her at a park in Ankeny where most everyone lived except for Grandpa Dennis.

     I did volunteer to furnish the food and I decided to get it from Haley's in Marshalltown as they could furnish, what I believed to be the best broasted chicken and all the salads that you could possibly want. Even today I think Haley's on North 3rd Avenue has excellent food.
Besides, this was a picnic and what could be better than chicken and all the trimmings.

       The adults in attendance, I believe, enjoyed the meal, but, that was where it ended. Most of the kids didn't touch much and held out for cake and ice-cream. I remember hearing a lot of rumblings about pizza and so forth. I was so disappointed. Most kids there I don't even think really thought it was chicken. Most were accustomed to chicken nuggets and the like! Change can be hard sometimes, but, what are you to do!

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