Tuesday, February 2, 2016


       At age 72 and the year 2016,  I thought it was time to attend my first Caucus. After it was over, I didn't leave with a feeling of euphoria nor was it disappointing by any stretch. As a registered Republican I decided to attend that one just simply to see how the process worked. 

       Since living in Williamsburg, Iowa, my designated meeting place was the City Recreation Center. The Democrats met elsewhere. I decided to sit in the front row and be closer to the "action." It was like going to church where most people went toward the back.  When the caucus began promptly at 7pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Getting there early I had the opportunity to sit next to a gentleman that was the Treasurer for the local Republican party a past Controller for Westinghouse and originally from Chicago. He indicated this was the largest crowd if could ever remember. When it was time for individuals to get up and give a pitch for their favorite candidate his was for Donald Trump.

        Then it was on to passing out pieces of paper for everyone to write on it their candidate choice. As one gentleman sat at the front table counting the votes cast,  I felt a bit of anxiety until the outcome was announced. Ted Cruze received the most votes, next was Rubio, followed by Donald Trump, and Ben Carson in a close fourth. The rset of the pack was down in the single digits. 

       Although my man, "The Donald" didn't do as well as I expected, I was pleased and I had a very good feeling of being part of a grass roots process that is what makes this country great. How fortunate we are to be able to take part in this democratic process which so many people in this old world will never experience! 


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