Tuesday, February 9, 2016


     I rarely give a new recipe a try anymore because it seems that I can't get to all my favorite's fast enough. As I have said before working at a grocery store 3 days a week and just being OCD sometimes doesn't leave enough room for new adventures in eating. 

     The other night, though, I made one of my favorites-Beef Stroganoff. I have always really liked it, but, never seem to make it that often. Monday night I gave it a whirl. The key is to purchase a good cut of meat like top sirloin or a lessor cut and marinade it overnight. The other key with the meat is to cut it against the grain and very thin.

       I always use fresh mushrooms and a little onion after browning the meat. A few extra shots of Worcestershire Sauce didn't hurt either along with your favorite beef broth and some minced garlic to your liking. The final icing on the cake is the sour cream mixed in before layering on prepared egg noodles. Wow!  Maybe you will want to add a few shots of your favorite wine, but, without is OK for me! I must take this out of the once in a  "Blue Moon" category! 

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