Thursday, February 11, 2016


      While helping a gentleman out to his car with his groceries Monday, he mentioned his hometown in northeast Iowa which I had never heard of. I then mentioned that I too was from a really small town in Central Iowa called Laurel.

      Well "Low & Behold" he had heard of Laurel. Yes, you guessed it. He remembered going through there and stopping into our infamous or notorious bar with topless dancers years ago. Even when I lived in Des Moines and assuming no one would have never heard of my old home town, generally they had because of our legendary night spot! The funny thing is I never stopped in at any time to check it out. 

      Now I live in a town that lots of people don't have a clue where Williamsburg is, but, as soon as you say "Tanger Outlets" they know where you are located immediately. This is probably a little better than a strip bar, but, no matter, I still have no problem telling people where I grew up! 


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