Saturday, February 6, 2016


       Hearing about our "big storms" coming from folks in a small community like  Williamsburg sometimes makes me just want to either start screaming or bust out laughing. I know it is just what we tend to talk about is the weather.

       It always reminds me of my mother and hearing especially about the 1930's, the Great Depression and one year in particular-1936. Boy, I used to get tired of hearing about those times until years ago I found a copy of a newspaper from 1936 and  came to realize that it was a doozy! There were huge droughts and snow storms and amounts of snow that were unprecedented. Even though they didn't have the type of equipment and chemicals to deal with roads, it was a bad time and then addition to the economic conditions.

         One Sunday, in the late 1990's I attended a local antique auction and they had several old license plates for sale. I asked the auctioneer if I could bid on just the 1936 plate and he agreed. I gave it to my mom and step-dad to set on their fireplace mantel. That way when someone was visiting, it would be a great lead-in to talking about "1936" or that period of time!

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