Saturday, February 6, 2016


      Not just because I have gotten older, but, throughout most of my life I have made lists of various kinds to remind me to do certain things or just reminders of all kinds. Most people do. 

      It started for me when I started to sell real-estate years ago. Each morning I would always make up a To Do List for the day. I would always try to knock off the most difficult thing early and go from there. Getting the tough things out of the way early in the day made the rest of the day easier in most cases. And, what didn't get accomplished that day could be tackled the next.

      Even today my memory still serves me pretty well,  I still make up a daily TO DO LIST & even a TO GET LIST usually pertaining to the grocery store. Most days I don't have that many things to do, but, it is a good feeling of accomplishment to check them off.

      But, earlier this afternoon, I had made a snack and was watching a college basketball game and got up o get a glass of water to go with it. Somewhere in the 10 steps to the kitchen for a few seconds I forgot why I went in there. Is this response something I need to start worrying about. I forgot that I was just getting a glass of water. Good Grief! I am not sure this happens more than it did ten years ago, but, I suppose I better start keeping a 3 x 5 card and  a pen handy in the LR so when I get up to go the kitchen I write it down why I am going there. 

       I just hope this isn't the beginning of the end. Please tell me that this has happened to some of you once in a while!!

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