Sunday, February 7, 2016


       Last Sunday morning I drove to Corralville and saw the movie "13 Hours." They charge only $5 for first run movies shown before noon.. That's a good deal and they also do the same thing on Tuesday's! It was raining and I turned my lights on in my car to see and be seen better driving down. I forgot to shut my lights off and of course my battery ran down. The good news was a young man at the theater had cables.

     This morning I drove down and saw the new Cohen Bros. movie "Hail-Caesar." First of all this will not go down as one of their better movies. My cell phone and car keys fell out of my sweat shirt side pocket which is very shallow once seated, and I had to go get the same kid to help me find the articles once the movie concluded with a flashlight. If one more thing ever happens to me there, I won't be able to face that kid.
     A lesson for guys. Always put keys and/or cell phone in your front pants pocket. There was some loose change under my seat by the way. Makes me wonder how much money would be under all the seats and in all the theaters just at that location and who knows what else.

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