Friday, February 19, 2016


      A fellow came into the Burg Grocery today and was talking about doing his taxes.  It, of course, reminded me of a story involving an IRS audit that I was involved in back in the 1980's.

     I had received in the mail a letter that I was being audited in just general terms and nothing really specific. I knew at that time I didn't really have anything to worry about in any major way. It was all laid out in pretty simple fashion. A this category, B, C, D, and so on. So that was how I prepared it. I put it all in a nice binder and the first page one was A, the second page with information and B, and then C, and you get the picture. Very neat and just like I was preparing for a high school assignment.

       My tax attorney always told me to meet with them at their office and not at home as you would always have a better excuse to retrieve addl. information at a later date. This was what I did and met with this young Agent or CPA at the IRS office in downtown Des Moines.

      He was a very nice young guy who had just gotten his degree from The University of Iowa. Otherwards A Hawkeye! He didn't stand a chance! My daughter, La Risa, was at that time attending Iowa University and majoring in accounting. Plus, Haydan Fry was the new successful football coach there and me being the big season ticket holder in football. 

     I got this young man started with page A and all the while talking non stop about my daughter and the Hawkeyes and then to page B. All the while he kept looking up at me and nodding and then looking down while I would be helping by turning to the next page. Finally, as if he just gave up he shut the binder and said we were done. My guardian angel was surely with me that day plus the "old gift of gab!"  And, not a penny did I owe!

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