Thursday, February 18, 2016


      Hey there friend. Ya say your radiators(in home) never worked all winter and now that it's summer they started up again and ya can't shut them off. Ya say your wife sent your light weight suits to the cleaners and that mean you'll have to wear your itchy tweeds this morning when they say it will hit 106 and ya gotta meet an important business man in an hour and your (teeth) bridge just broke and  ya pasted it together with bubble gum and ya hope it don't fall apart while you're doing some fast talking to this man? And and your shoelaces just busted and ya opened a big cut on your cheek trying to even out your sideburns and your daughters going out with a convict and your wife just confessed she gave your last sixty dollars as a deposit on an airplane plane hanger? Is that whats troubling ya friend?-------------

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