Tuesday, February 23, 2016


      From the time I was a little kid all I heard around Easter was the question when it was being held. All I ever heard was "well I think it is late this year or early this year." It is the only Holiday that  doesn't have a definite date year after year. Many many years ago my stepdad, Maurice Korte, preceeded to explain to me how it is determined. He was a man of few words and for some reason it was something that he explained to me and it has stuck!

       Through the years around this time I love to ask people if they know how it is determined and why it changes the date every year. In years and years of bringing it up I only knew one person that I asked who actually knew the answer. ONE! Even asking some very religious  persons that I have known never really knew. Most responses were usually that it was "something that was set up in the Bible."

      Well here it is Pilgrims! So listen up. It can always be one of those great trivia questions that you will ever bring up. First you start with the March Equinox on the 20th of the month. Then you take the first full moon after or on that date and Easter is the first Sunday after that full moon. Pretty simple! You can look up further detail about what the definition of the Equinox is and so on. It is one of those things that I was happy to have listened to something that has created lots of interest through the years!

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