Sunday, February 7, 2016


     Have we become so politically correct about everything that it seems no one brings up the fact that Bernie  Sanders is Jewish. He could become the first person of that faith to become President. And, please don't  take me wrong as I would not have a problem whatsoever with it. 

      It does seem strange that no one has brought it up on most all the news channels such as MSNBC,FOX or CNN. Is it just assumed that everyone knows that he is or are we too afraid to bring it up in any way as to appear to be prejudicial.Even most of the political trash that appears on Facebook doesn't touch it. When John Kennedy was running for President back in the 1960's, it was a big issue! A Catholic as President?

      Maybe I always see the humorous side of things. We normally associate Jews with having a knack or "gift" for making money. At least who ever becomes President they should consider a top Jewish businessman to be appointed Treasurer to assist in getting our deficit back in control!  I haven't even heard a comedian bring up the oddity that  Bernie is or has Socialist ideas. I really like Bernie and what he has accomplished. I just wish he was more of a Capitalist!

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