Wednesday, February 3, 2016


       This past week, let's just say, someone I know was driving for the week-end to meet someone she had met on the internet through a dating sight. Supposedly, they had exchanged visits and "photo's."  As near as anyone can tell all did not go well! No-one seems to know why- yet!

        I am old school I know, but, it used to be that the guy always came calling to the ladies home with some exceptions I'm sure. Maybe today it has more to do with divorces and the fact that the guy doesn't have the kids on a particular week-end. That's just a guess.

        Again, being old school  why not meet the first time in a neutral location for a cup of coffee and then go from there. Is everyone that desperate and lonely and not caring for their own safety!,

       Back in the mid 1990's with a push from a friend, I put myself on a dating sight when they first started in newspapers. I did have several calls and met a few possible's for a cup of coffee. One lady that responded wanted me to drive up to northern Iowa for the week-end! Sight unseen? Are you kidding. I could have been Jack the Ripper or she could have been a Black Widow! No Thank You! I know. Times have changed!

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