Sunday, February 28, 2016


      Last night while attending a Fish Fry in Victor, Iowa, I sat and while eating visited with a local retired gentleman.  I brought it up that I was raised in the Marshalltown area and somehow the conversation came around to talking about some of the old ballrooms around the state like the Surf in Clear Lake and the Val Air in West Des Moines.

       He indicated that when he was a younger man, he remembered going to Marshalltown and dancing at the Forrest Park Ballroom. This gentleman was 77 years old and possibly just old enough to remember Forrest Park.  I am not sure I ever stepped foot in the place, although I remember its existence. I know my folks went there a lot and mom always talked about some of the prominent Big Bands that came through like Glen Miller. 

      I am sure that there were some very special moments there and part of me wishes I would have lived at the time when a lot of famous Big Bands played there. I will always be thankful that I purchased tickets years ago, and took my mom and step dad, Maurice, to the Val Air Ballroom and got to dance to Glen Miller's Band. 

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