Thursday, February 11, 2016


    Picture yourself many many years ago and you just paid "big bucks" for front row seats at a heavy weight boxing match for the title. You just get seated with your beverage and are prepared for an exciting evening. The bell rings, the fight begins, and "POW" with one punch the fight is over. Less than 30 seconds!

       That's I felt Tuesday night with the Primary coverage in New Hampshire. Being somewhat of a political "junkie,"I was prepared to have dinner then settle in for the evening to watch the results come in and switching around to the various cable stations, FOX MSNBC, and CNN for their slant on it all.

     Well, as you probably know or don't  know, they declared the winners of both Political Parties before the polls even closed. I guess I should have known from all the polls that indicated Sanders and Trump were over-whelming favorites. But, still I was hoping that they would keep me guessing  for at least an hour or so and keep me in suspense. I guess there was some suspense on the Republican side with second, third, and even last place. 

      With exit polls, entrance polls, and all other types of polls, it's taken some of the fun and suspense out of it. Oh well! If it had gone on for too long I probably would have dozed off and by the time I would have woke up it would have been all over with anyway!

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