Thursday, February 18, 2016


      Years ago there was a guy that went by "The Old Philosopher" and he did a routine and made a record back in the mid 1950's that sometimes reminds me of myself and how some days play out. I am going to put on one verse and you will get the point and then you can get the rest from U Tube. It is HILARIOUS! 

      Hi ya folks. Ya say ya lost your job today? Ya say it's 4 AM and your kids ain't  home from school yet? Ya say your wife went out for a corned beef sandwich last week-end -the corn beef sandwich came back but she didn't? Ya say your furniture is out all over the sidewalk cause ya can't pay the rent and ya got chapped lips and paper cuts and your feets all swollen up and blistered from pounding the pavement looking for work? Is that what's troubling you fellow. Well lift your head up high and take a walk in the sun with dignity and stick-to-it-ness and ya show the world, ya show the world where to get off.  NEVER GIVE UP NEVER GIVE THAT SHIP! 

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