Tuesday, February 23, 2016


     The only other time in my life that I have been audited by the IRS was a few years after my first encounter in downtown Des Moines and the young agent that was a Iowa U graduate.
This time I was selling real estate and I had always thought my odds of an audit were greater due to the many deductions that we were allowed

     In this case the agent that was to do the audit met me at my office at the time was at 8th & Grand in West Des Moines. He looked like what we usually stereotype as an IRS agent. Short little guy with wire rimed glasses and was all business. I even offered him a glass of water or beverage and he declined. 

      For about three years my tax guy kept telling me to be keeping a travel log in my car as that is one of the things that you have to do to justify how many miles you are traveling for business purposes. I had never got around to it until that year of my audit. But, the audit was for 2 or 3 years before. Well, you guessed it.The IRS agent finally asked me to see my travel log! Oh Oh! I simply pulled out my current log for the current year and simply fanned through it like a deck of cards. I went so fast that I didn't give him a chance to see that the dates on each page were from the current year. He checked that item off his list and was I so ever relieved.

      I left the room where he was working and made sure I took the log with me. The final tally was that I owed $27 for some reason and I couldn't get out my check book fast enough!I know what I did was wrong,but, all is fair in love and war. And always, an audit is always war!  

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