Tuesday, February 16, 2016


       Last week there was a huge obituary in the Des Moines Register about a very prominent man who had passed away. It was one of those half page obituaries so you know that he had to be very important and/or someone was willing and had the funds to pay for a lot of information on this person. 

       It got me to thinking about the similarities between that announcement and ads you see in these dating sites. The reason it got me to thinking about all this is the man who's obituary was in the newspaper had years ago, after his first wife passed away, simply put an ad in the DM Register "looking for someone to meet." At he time the on-line dating sites weren't really in vogue like today. A close friend I knew at the time responded to the ad and they were married within a year. (Another interesting story for another time.) It always did seem strange that a man of his stature would attempt to meet someone through a newspaper ad! 

       As I am also now in the category, once again, of being single,  it got me to thinking that when I am ready to let the world know that I am single and would be receptive to meeting someone with similar interests, I can somewhat "kill two birds with one stone" in a way.

       Most of what is put in obituaries's simply tells about one's interests, hobbies and enjoyments. The only difference is that in the dating site you leave out all the people you were connected to. Basically on the dating site, you are just including the "tooting your horn" part! And, the good part is that my obituary someday will be partially completed for the poor soul who has the job of completing it! 


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