Thursday, February 18, 2016


       During the mid 1990's I attended a local men's religious group early in the morning once a week.One individual when asked a question or a topic of discussion would always respond by saying "Well it says in the Bible----" and so forth. 

       After hearing that repeatedly and after I had asked a question of this person his response was the same as it always had been. In my response I asked him to give me his feelings on the subject not just answering with a stated verse from the Bible. 

       No matter what the subject matter is and especially in politics, I don't believe that most people buy an entire agenda or platform of a particular Political Party "hook, line, and sinker." Anybody can buy into that rationale. I like people that think for themselves and have opinions and solutions that are reasonable. But, if your mind is closed and you like to "fly of the handle" about it, I will have some fun with you! 

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