Saturday, October 7, 2017


      About a ten days ago, I met a group of old cronies from my days of roaming the western suburbs of Des Moines in the 1970's and 80's. One of the fellows that was in attendance had an ex-wife named "Betty" for this story and was very lovely except for one very bad habit. 

         She wore way too much perfume. Back then most women wore perfume and some wore more than others and lots of men also wore cologne including yours truly. No matter where you were,  and that generally was in a crowded  bar back then, you knew "Betty" was somewhere around just from that overwhelming aroma!

       The standard joke` was that if you were to have an affair with "Betty" and after your rendezvous  and heading home to your wife, you would have to throw all your clothes out the window and explain why you were coming home naked or stop at a friend's house and bath and borrow some new clothes!  


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