Tuesday, October 3, 2017


       My step-dad, Maurice Korte, was absolutely a man of few words. Just one who spoke little, but, when he did it seemed like you should listen! One of the few things that I really remembered and  that he talked about and passed along to me was the following.

      At one time he asked the question. How is the date of Easter determined? Keeping in mind that most all major Holidays have a set date with the exception of Easter. As a kid, I always remember someone just saying that Easter would be early or late that year. 

         The answer from my step-dad went something like---" Easter is held on the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon occurring on or after the Equinox-March 21st."Up until the time he brought that up I never knew and it always stuck with me and I never forgot it.

        Around the Easter Holiday I would ask anyone who would listen and I think through a two or three decades of asking the question only two or possibly three people knew the answer. Generally, the response or answer had to be found in the Bible and some` knew that it had something to do with a full moon. I just wish that somehow I could make it into some kind of wager! I would be a rich man. But, I'm glad I listened! 


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