Friday, October 27, 2017


      A young man from our local orthopedic and sports specialists--Total Rehab-- came to our Kiwanis noon luncheon for a talk. His subject was mainly about techniques in keeping your balance and other  related subject matter.

        He passed out a pamphlet which dealt with the affects of balance and a list entitled "Fall Risk Test." Some of the test categories were if----Fallen in the Past, Use of a cane or walker, use of furniture to steady oneself--and one I focused on was --"WORRY ABOUT FALLING!"

        Hello! When you get a certain age and after several of your friends and relatives have fallen, a lot, you start to dwell on falling about every moment you take a step. I can't tell you how slowly and how tightly I hang on to whatever will keep be upright while getting out of my shower/tub.

        I hold on much tighter to the handrail going downstairs and when cleaning windows or inside I am constantly focused on not stepping or tripping over something. I have thought that maybe I should design a new type of lightweight helmet to wear around just in case I fall at least I won't break my CROWN!

     One of the items on the Fall Risk Test was if you feel sad or depressed. Let me tell you. If I fall and don't give almost 24/7 attention to it, I will definitely go into depression or most certainly will be very sad! 

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