Sunday, October 1, 2017


       One of my fondest memories as a youth and growing up on the family farm south of Laurel, Iowa was the summers and especially hay baling time. And, of course, the best part of that summer event was the noon lunch.

       Also, to take this story right to the heart of it, was a time or two working for a nearby farmer Art DeWitt and his wife Beverly. To call that noon-time meal "lunch" was a misconception. It was a 5 Star Comfort Food Extravaganza---fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, home-made rolls, and who remembers the veggies, but, pie oh, my! After you ate, there was time to groan a little with delight before getting back up on that hay rack. 
         Of course, then by 4 o'clock you would take time out for a little lemonade and a sandwich or two. Through the` years when I would run into Beverly, I would tell her what a great cook I thought she was and she WAS! Each time I would stretch the counties until I think I was up to 5 counties. I'm not too sure that would be a stretch! Thank you Beverly for such a great memory!

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