Friday, October 6, 2017


       It took me over a good week to get over this church camp romance! It was the late 1950's and the scene was the Methodist Church Camp on the south shore of Clear Lake, Iowa. Looking way back at the time and experience it very special. 

         Kids came to this camp in the summer from all over a wide circle of Iowa. In this particular summer, I met a thin, pretty, brown hair cutie pie from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I know somewhere in my archives of old photos, she is still with me. Her name was Dianne.

         You would have thought that week would never end with the magic of being a part of the camp and lake-side experience. But, like all good things and before I knew it I was back home south of Laurel, Iowa. At the time it seemed devastating and when we parted promised to always stay in touch. Maybe one letter! No phone calls that I recall. Just a long week of a broken heart! Somehow life went on!

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