Tuesday, October 24, 2017


       This past Saturday evening a good friend and I drove to Grinnell to dine at one of the most popular eateries in the area, Pagliai's. I had just been there the previous week-end with my sister, Doris, but, to be truthful I had to go back and retrieve my coat that I left there.

      On the way over to Grinnell from Williamsburg, she asked me if we could stop at Wallmart's in Grinnell for some item she needed. I mentioned that I too wanted to stop after we ate to purchase some gasoline as it was usually cheaper there in Grinnell.  

         You guessed it! Neither one of us remembered what we wanted to do after leaving the restaurant. Our only excuse was that since we hadn't been out together for some time, we just got talking(and talking) and forgot. I suggested maybe next time we write things down on a note-pad and post it somehow on the car dash! 

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