Friday, October 27, 2017


      After my sister, Deborah, posted a "List about questions on random facts about yourself--" One of the questions was "Do you make your bed every day?" That hit home. I have almost always throughout my lifetime made my bed each morning and with some neatness. 

       I haven't checked with a Shrink to see if that makes me a threat to mankind, but, I know I think, quite easily, why I perform this daily ritual. I blame it on my mother. Isn't that what we do good or bad.  

       Along with making my bed each morning as a kid, I also had to clean my room, and well, each Saturday morning period. The only time I recall when it didn't get made was while living in Marshalltown  in the late 1990's and I had overslept and was running late for work. One of my employees was hurrying me to get going and for a few seconds I had to make that decision. Make or not to make! I just slammed the bedroom door shut and got going!

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