Tuesday, October 31, 2017


          Yesterday in the Des Moines Register and the 2 CENTS column was a remark about the advantage of having a cluttered and dis-organized desk is that each day there are new discoveries and surprises to be made.

        I always was one of those that kept a neat desk. I won't even tell you who was responsible for that habit. While selling real-estate, I always kept files in an orderly manner and when talking to a customer on the phone would only have that file out. 

           Some would come in my office and asked if I was even working that day, since everything was pretty much put away. On the flip side of that, Jan Rowley, a very good friend and associate's desk and entire office looked like a tornado had whipped through. How she found things I will never know. But, she was always a top producer. I will always wonder how well she would have done if she could have found things sooner?  

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