Wednesday, October 4, 2017


       My sister Deborah just became a grand-mother for the fourth time and the beautiful baby girl's name is Elena Christine Arges. I am not sure if Elena is an old name but the more you say it the more you have to like it. And, Christine I also like because my daughter LaRisa's middle name is Christine after her grandma Fisher. 

         And, speaking of these "older" names, I really cringed when my son, years ago, called me to let me know they had a baby girl and they named her Cora! All I could think of was a couple of "old" ladies when growing up with that name.

      But, very quickly I pictured this little precious black haired beauty. Then when I started thinking and repeating the name and associating it with this little cuttie, it quickly grew on me. In addition, it would be easy for her to spell and pronounce. She couldn't be anything but CORA! I am glad they didn't call her Gertrude or Mabel!

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