Tuesday, October 10, 2017


         This past Sunday, after my movie at the Coralville Mall, I stopped at the nearby Hy-Vee for a couple of things before heading home. It was good for me to stop there as it made me know that I probably won't do it again!

       I used to shop the Hy-Vee store years ago when living in Marshalltown, Iowa. That store doesn't compare in size and the variety of food stuff. It was for me almost overwhelming. If I were to shop there I could walk through the isles and get in more miles than my morning power walk.

       While trying to watch my weight and my budget, this isn't the place for me. Although it would be good to walk through from time to time just to keep abreast of new products and all the "La-De-Da" products out there, but, leaving my wallet in the car!

         I will stick to the smaller grocery store's closer to the Burg. Besides, I have enough eating ideas up in my own "cook book brain," ideas posted on Facebook, and  my menu idea crib sheet posted on the side of my Refrigerator!

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