Thursday, October 5, 2017


     One of my favorite and informative course that I took while attending Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, back in the mid 1960's was an American History course. Keep in mind my major was business and most courses, I have to admit, were somewhat dry and a little boring.

        In my Senior year a good friend and I decided to throw in a history course to help pad our grade point a little. The idea back fired somewhat. First, the course` was for those in post graduate work in history. But, it turned out to be a fascinating class about the migration of the pioneers across our country.

        Professor Nelson made the course very interesting and despite it's course level, each class was one to look forward to. I'm happy to say I received a B + in the course and, a good lesson in life. On occasion, try something outside your comfort zone. You might like it! 


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