Wednesday, October 4, 2017


       He was a Drake University, College of Business professor, and to say the least one weird guy. He was there when I attended Drake in the mid 1960's. The one course I took from him was just a general business course and like most business courses somewhat boring.

     His name was Miller and every day he would tell some outlandish story. According to him he had almost done everything in life including the Merchant Marines! Before classes, we(other fellow students) would discuss that by all the jobs he had done in his lifetime he would have to be well over 100 years of age.

       He always gave essay type tests and therefore could be very subjective in grading on his part. By the end of the first quarter I only received a C plus. I felt I was doing much better and was grasping the subject matter than the test results indicated. So, one day I went in to his office to discuss my concern with the professor.

          After pleading my case with him he simply sat there, puffing on his pipe, and simply asked me to take some books for him back to the Library which I did. My final grade was a "B!" True story! Thank goodness all he asked of me was to take those books back!  

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