Friday, October 27, 2017


      Last night I was watching an old re-run episode of Jerry Seinfeld from 1995 entitled "Hello Kiss." It was about Kramer posting names and faces on a bulletin board in their apartment,  so everyone can get to know each other better. 

        One of the tenants, Mary, had a bit part in the lobby and I knew I recognized her from some TV show, but, just couldn't put my finger on it. I finally checked out the cast for that episode and discovered her stage name was Rondi Reed and did remember her from the Mike and Molly sit-com a while back and she played the very funny Mike's mother. 

          It's one of those fun little trivia things to watch a certain TV or Movie star from one of their earlier parts and then try to match them to another movie or show, especially from some of the lessor known actors or actresses.

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