Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"IT'S JUST YOU & I GRANDPA!" grand-daughter Paige

       When my grand-kids were younger and would stay over for a week-end at Grandpa's house at 3308 Lilly Lane, Marshalltown, Iowa, one evening ritual was watching  movies and all of us spread out on my sectional and a Crazy Quilt laid out in front of the couch. 

         Many times Grandpa would doze off before the movie ended. On one occasion, I remember waking up and my youngest grand-daughter, Paige Addison Laverty,  was staring at me almost nose to nose. She immediately responded when I awoke--" It's just you and I Grandpa!" (meaning we were the only ones awake) I always thought it was so cute and will never know how long she waited and closely keeping an eye on me until awakening!     

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