Wednesday, October 4, 2017


      It was the year around 2000, and I,  along with a companion,were returning from the New Orleans Jazz Festival. We were attempting to make alternative flight plans at the New Orleans Airport as we had missed a flight back to Kansas City where our flight had originated.

         At mid-morning the traffic of people was light at the terminal and we were waiting to talk to the next personnel at a flight counter. A young and very attractive lady was the only person ahead of us in line. I was almost positive that it was none other than the movie star,Halle Berry that stood just a few short two or three feet  from me. She stood there dressed in just a simple white T-shirt and straight jeans. She had no entourage or companion.

      When the airline employee referred to her as Miss Halle I knew. I said nothing nor did my companion. I assume she was there for the Jazz Festival-I will never know. That was and will be the closest I will ever come to a big time movie star and a very pretty one at that!

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