Tuesday, October 10, 2017


     Late yesterday afternoon, I received a call from a lady who wanted windows cleaned and lived just north of Upper Amana. I f you don't know there are several little villages or towns that make up the Amana Colonies. 

       Through all the years and even living in Williamsburg, I have never driven to or through Upper Amana and to get there I drove first through West Amana. Upper Amana is just east of West Amana and  is very picturesque with several of the old stone homes. 

      From the north edge of town I followed T Avenue and followed the winding road that in a deep forested area on both sides for a few miles. It was quite beautiful and an area I had never viewed or been. I'm not sure who owns all this forest land, but, makes no difference beauty is beauty and I'm glad of the discovery. 

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