Tuesday, October 3, 2017


       A good friendship that developed after my divorce in the mid 1970's was with Don Brittin a practicing attorney in Des Moines, Iowa. I got to know Don through  tax attorney who worked at the same law firm and  were introduced at a local social gathering. About the same time Don was also divorced and we just started doing things together socially.

         The following were social and recreational functions that Don was very instrumental in creating. One was getting a group together and attending Iowa Hawkeye football games via his motor home, tailgating, season tickets at Kinnick for years and the whole nine yards. Second, attending the Indy 500 for 15 years plus at his encouragement.

       Third,  spurring my interest for down hill skiing and traveling to Colorado on several occasions during the late 1970's and 1980's. And fourth, encouraging and on many occasions organizing group attendance to big musical events. Don passed away many years ago, late 1990's,  after a long battle with cancer, but, he will never be forgotten for all the joy he brought in to my life!

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