Sunday, October 8, 2017


     My nephew, Chris, works much of the time in his home and in computer work which I don't attempt to understand. I have a difficult time enough comprehending making a very good living and do it by just working out of  the house, especially with three young children. I don't think I could stay that focused on my work.

     Of course, it did remind me of a story and someone who couldn't take working at home for very long. The guy I knew several years ago was a fellow realtor-broker. This was back in the 70's-80's when most everyone worked out of an office and not at home. Plus, no one had computers.

           Since he operated as a one man show, he decided to cut his over- head and just office from home. His story goes that soon he was getting up staying in his pajamas and catching a little earl morning TV. Before long he was watching a little more TV and doing things around the house that took his focus away from his work tasks.

         I'm not sure how long it took him, but, eventually he rented one of these shared receptionist offices. His comment, and I remember this distinctly, was to get up, put on his "uniform"--suit and tie, and go somewhere and work at his chosen profession. 

        I've talked to fellow realtors that I worked with years ago and even back in the late 1990's and early 2000's, the whole atmosphere of real estate offices with isolated cubicles, and computers had changed. Many people were working out of the`their homes. I guess I worked at a time when everything was open in the office and agents were a closer involved group in so many ways.


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