Wednesday, October 4, 2017


      When my son, Darrin Michael, was born and was just a little boy he was in his father's eyes a very handsome/cute son. One story I have told many many times through the years was of his eyes and hair color. 

        Besides being just a cute kid, he had those steel blue eyes or as they called them at the time--"Paul Newman" eyes. Newman was an actor at the time who had those blue eyes that you could almost see through into his soul. Darrin also had the thickest auburn color hair. What a combination! 

        When he was little, I always thought if that combination held to at least he became a young man, he would absolutely be a "Lady Killer!" Needless to say his eyes turned to a hazel and his hair turned into a somewhat light brown. Don't get me wrong he was and still is a very handsome guy, but, just for awhile I thought I was going to be carrying around a baseball bat to "beat them away!" It could have been exciting!

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