Tuesday, October 14, 2014


     I will admit that utilizing a GPS devise in many situations has been a great innovation. For those who live in larger metro areas or those trying to find a destination in a complex mix, it makes sense. Especially, when looking for a sports complex when attending your grandchild's sporting event in an unfamiliar town.

     But, after traveling for nearly 50 years in this country, all I need is my handy dandy Atlas. Traveling from the state of New York,  including New York City, to San Francisco, then from Key West Florida to Portland, Oregon, that large map has always been with me and got me where I was going.

     I'm comfortable with it and see no point in changing at this point. Recently, while in up state Michigan, we ran into a detour that we did not expect. The detour provided a most scenic experience.

     And, I will never be convinced that any app. will be as good as seeking out a local resident to find that "down home" café that is being sought after.

     Besides, I like seeing the big picture and keeping it all in perspective.  Most of our trips involve avoiding larger cities and allowing enough time that if we do have a "problem," it does not  cause havoc.

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