Thursday, October 30, 2014

Obituary Report-Margaret Paul Laverty-wife of T. M. Laverty

Obituary Report
     Laverty-- Died at her home, near Laurel, Iowa. October, 1998, Margaret, wife of Thomas M. Laverty, at age of 68 years, 6 months and 10 days, cause of death, general debility. Funeral services were held at Laurel, Rev. L. Colyu, Presbyterian pastor, assisted by Rev. J. Locke, M.E. pastor, conducting.  Interment took place in the * German cemetery, Laurel.
     Mrs. Laverty (Margaret Paul) was born in Craig parish, Antrim county Ireland, on March 12, 1830, and was married to Thomas M. Laverty, March 21, 1857. Several children were born to them previous to their emigration to America, in which country they arrived June 11, 1868. The family resided at other places for a time, butt have been residents of the present home for many years.
     The deceased lady was a mother of nine children, six of whom survive her, three sons and three daughters, also, four brothers and two sisters of the deceased survive her, who with devoted husband sincerely mourn their bereavement of a loving wife, mother, and sister.
     Mrs. Laverty was held in the most tender respect by her family. She was a devoted wife to her husband and a loving mother, which makes the loss to her family more severely felt, but so far as sympathy of friends may ameliorate their affliction they have it in the fullest measure. But few ladies were so highly respected by those who knew her best, and her departure from this life is sincerely regretted by many friends. 
     She has gone with hope of a better  life where there is hope of a better life where there is not sorrow or sickness and where all may wish to follow when time for departure arrives. 
*The Graceland Cemetery just west of Laurel, Iowa.

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