Sunday, October 19, 2014


     I did my share of pranks and a little mischief as a young boy. Nothing ever destructive, but, like all pranks there was always the possibility of someone getting injured I suppose. There were usually consequences. Well, at least some of the time.

     If it was Halloween, the prank usually involved a pumpkin or two! One year in high school a group (not a gang) of us invaded a local farmer's pumpkin patch, took them to Laurel, and for some unknown reason, smashed them all over Main Street! (highway 14) Why did we do that you ask! It always seems like a good idea at the time.

     We were caught by the local town cop. His name was Emery Wunn. We spent the next morning cleaning up the street. Oh, yes! It's hard to believe that a small town like Laurel (pop. 250) had its own "police force-one man." He is good for a story another day! 

      One  little trick that was also fun was to pretend pulling a rope across the street with someone across from you as a car was approaching. The car would usually slow down or sometimes stop. That prank was pure genius!

     Or--how about getting a ladder and hauling vegetables, fruit, eggs, etc., and heaving them off at night at cars passing through atop the old hardware building. I know it was a little over the edge but-- 

     Or--throwing snowballs at cars in the winter on main street and then running and hiding in the outside restroom attached to the Skelly gas station.

     Or- throwing fake "big" firecrackers, lit, through the back door of the local tavern and watch patrons run out!

     Or- on the 4th of July night, while my mother was in Clear Lake, Iowa as a camp counselor for the Methodist Church, my friend Rick and I did our thing. We made our way around the town of Laurel on the outskirts, through corn-fields, and setting off a barrage of loud fireworks! Ahh! Those were the days! 

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