Sunday, October 12, 2014


     Every teacher had a bell on her desk to call the class together. It was also used to call us in from recess. That bell had to be rung only once. and we would come to attention. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and learned a lot about America. It was after World War II and the country was mostly united in patriotism. There weren't as many stars on the flag which was hung in the room. (Hawaii and Alaska became states in late 1950's) In the hall were pictures of Washington and Lincoln. On their birthdays we colored pictures of them and celebrated their birthdays. The presidents were Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. On one occasion, I got to see President Eisenhower and hear him speak. I was given a large sign that said, "I Like Ike." I still have that sign somewhere in my archives. It is packed away with all my memories.

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