This past Monday and Tuesday(October 13th and 14th) were unusually rainy, cool, and windy. Tuesday I stayed home and just loafed. It was a great feeling to just feel all cozy and doing pretty nothing much while the bad weather raged on the outside. I've always enjoyed these kind of days. I guess we all do when we can take advantage of them. One such day was experienced years ago.
For a short time after college days at Drake University, my first wife, Sandi, stayed in touch with a few of our friends that became close living at the married student dormitory-Ross Hall, on the northeast corner of 32nd Street and University.
This particular time, we stayed with some friends, Barb and Gary Bowers, whose parents owned a cottage near Arnold's Park at Lake Okaboji, Iowa. The cabin sat right next to the rollercoaster. I remember sleeping upstairs and that coaster sounded like it was coming right through the place.
The following day it was raining lightly which was Labor Day. As we walked around the amusement park there weren't many people due to the weather and the last official day of the season. A sort of sadness or more like a peaceful feeling came over me. Cozy like again!
I experienced that same feeling once again at the Iowa State Fair while attending it on a rainy day. It was so peaceful to just sit on the Grand Concourse under a canopy having a cup of coffee, eating a Dutch Letter and just watching the people go by.
Maybe we need the occasional rainy day or snow storm to just relax and reflect! It doesn't hurt a thing.
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