Monday, October 13, 2014


     This week-end we attended a grandson's football game in Bondurant, Iowa. Sadly, we had to drive quite a distance from Williamsburg to watch our team get clobbered. Why can't we find 5th and 6th graders closer to home to beat us! Another issue for another time!

     I sat on the home(Bondurant) side to avoid the wind blowing in from the northwest. Ya, I am a softy! But, while sitting there a young couple sat in front of me and I assume had a son playing in the game. They both sat down and immediately pulled out their cell phones and proceeded to do whatever.

     Not just glancing down at them and then up at the game. No sir! For at least 10 minutes while the game was in progress, their eyes appeared to be glued to the cell phones. Is this where we are at today. We can't enjoy an event without these contraptions dictating our lives! Sad!

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