Sunday, October 19, 2014


     Most of my life I have been maybe a little too melancholy. With my sister, Doris, rehabilitating from her terrible fall recently, it made me stop and reflect about her and how special she has been to me.

     First, it started when I was little and times riding the bus to and from school. Nobody ever would dare pick on me or they would have had to deal with my big sister. 

Second, there was a dark time in my life when she didn't give up on me. If it hadn't been for her and my brother-in-law who knows what would have happened.

     Third, she has always been thoughtful, in remembering special holidays with greeting cards-birthdays, Valentines Day,  and of course always St. Patrick's Day!  

    Fourth, if she doesn't hear from you in a while, she is on the phone asking if everything is O.K!

     I would have done anything to put myself in her place with her injury. Now, all I know is that it is time for me to be there for her even if it is just getting her one Maid Rite with onions. 

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