Wednesday, October 15, 2014


     My uncle Paul Laverty had one of the first color televisions in the Laurel community. For the time it was huge. It was a console type with a 30 plus inch screen enclosed in a wooden frame. A regular piece of furniture. My aunt Mary's and uncle Paul's home was not that big and it made that TV screen seem extra large.

     We were invited to their home to watch one of the first episodes of Bonanza in 1959. To see the NBC symbol, at the time, the Peacock's feathers spreading out in color was a mind blower to say the least! Up until then, of course, everything was in black and white. As near as I can remember, we had our first TV (black and white) around 1949. 

     I, personally, did not own a color TV until I was in college at Drake University around 1964 or 1965. It always amazed me that "they" could transmit images in color. Amazing.

     **The added kicker to the evening watching Bonanza, had to do with my aunt Mary. She was a real Martha Stewart for her time. An excellent cook and with style and grace. A neat lady! I loved her so as I did my uncle Paul. That evening or possibly another occasion, she had dinner (supper) and we ate around 8PM. My mother complained later about the late dining, but, I thought it was really cool. We were eating late like people in the big cities not like farm people who, as we know, eat at 6 PM. Now that was living!        

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