Sunday, October 19, 2014


      Zeno's Pizza was the first time I recall having pizza in a restaurant.  It was started in the early 1950's in Marshalltown, Iowa and as of this writing (October 2014) is still there on Main Street. My sister, Doris, took me there in the late 1950's for the first time.

     The one thing I remember thinking,  when it was served, was how great the smell was. But, the look of it was kind of gross. All that swirly cheese and who knows what mixed in there. No sir! This would never catch on!  The rest is history.

     The big treat became fixing a homemade pizza on a Friday or Saturday night in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Mom would always buy a Chef Boyardee box pizza. It was fun watching the dough rise and watching her spread it out on a round metal pan. Then came the sauce, cheese, and usually hamburger. Boy! That was living.  

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