Tuesday, October 7, 2014


     Ilah and I left Williamsburg headed out around 4:45 pm on  Friday, October 3rd, 2014.  We headed up highway 151 through Dubuque then onto Madison, Wisconsin. Our first night we arrived in Fond du Lac and stayed at a Days Inn Just of Highway 41 near Pioneer Road. That evening and the next day it was overcast, rainy and in the low 40's temperature wise.

     The following morning, (day 2), Saturday, October 4th we had breakfast at a clean little café called Boda's. It was the kind of place you look for when traveling. Excellent comfort food with friendly service.

      From there we drove across town, Fond de Lac, to the Calvery Cemetery, where Ilah's brother is buried. At first we could not locate him, but, connected with an employee who was giving a tour. When she was completed, she assisted us in finding the grave site. Ilah had not been there to visit in some time and it was quite emotional.

     From there we drove on up and around Green Bay on highway 41 north. We stopped and bought cheese at Little Chute, exit 146. It was great and no need stopping for lunch with all that delicious cheese and crackers.

     Later in the morning, we crossed over into the "Upper Peninsula" of Michigan and followed route 35 along the Lake Michigan coast line. We drove through the west section of Hiawatha National Forest along highway 2 before staying in Monistique for the evening. Our room there overlooked the Lake and the room was quite comfortable and up to date. Next door was a "Big Boy's where we enjoyed our evening buffet meal. It was our honor to pay for a gentleman's meal who was dining alone and a Korean War Veteran. It was a great way to end the evening.

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