Sunday, October 26, 2014


     The washroom area in the basement was the Monday hangout. My mother operated with the old wringer washer with a pair of rinse tubs. The type you see in antique stores or auctions.

     Washing clothes was an all day affair. Ironing and more was saved for Tuesday. Cloths lines were mounted on metal posts back of the house with thick gage wire.

     I can see still envision my poor mother, especially in the winter, wiping the lines with a damp washcloth before hanging out clothes with wooden clothes pins. The talent was hanging sheets so they would blow just right with a billow. Nothing today compares to the smell of fresh sheets and towels brought  in and enjoyed that first night. Nothing!

     One added observation was the shower that was rigged up in the same room. As I got older a shower was quicker than taking a bath upstairs. The DOWNSIDE was once the water was shut off completing the shower, it got cold real quick. You didn't mess around. You dried off and headed upstairs fast!

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